Alone Season 6 Airs June 6, 2019!

Alrighty folks, we have a date! The Alone show is airing on June 6th! Here is the trailer History posted on Facebook today:

Looks like it’s gonna be a chilly one. I heard at least 2 different women’s voices and a shot with some blood there. It’s shaping up to be an epic season! I’ll post more details as I find them. If you want to get in on the Alone chatter, there’s a great Facebook group called “ALONE Series” that I highly recommend you join. Thank you!

One thought on “Alone Season 6 Airs June 6, 2019!”

  1. Out of 67 entrants, ONE has had a real use for a knife and he skinned his moose with a multitool! 🙂 They are just knives, folks. All this stuff used to be done with a hunk of stone, ,just held in the hand, or at most, lashed to a hunk of wood. As they say, “it’s not the arrow that matters, it’s who is shooting the arrow that matters”.

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